Saturday, September 5, 2020

2020 Weekly Photos #34

Some weeks are pretty boring around here and some weeks are busy.  This was one of those more "busy" weeks.  It's funny, it's all relative because 6 months ago busy meant going non-stop sometimes but now "busy" means that we go get haircuts HA!

Here's our week in photos:

Saturday - The fridge arrived!!  We also enjoyed dinner at my mom's :-)  We enjoy that weekly "treat" and are glad she lives close enough that we can go there every week.

Sunday - We celebrated Darryl's dads 80th birthday party.

Monday - Haircuts and a picnic!

 We started at a park that we've always enjoyed but quickly discovered that both Josh and Nate are getting too big HA!  Josh was able to "walk" the monkey bars since his feet touched the ground!  
 So we switched to the wooden park that we love.  This park has lots of running space and the structure is better for bigger kids.  
 Josh's Connections Academy teacher called while we were at the park so he got to talk to her for the first time. 

Tuesday - Today we hung at home and I worked on doing some things around the house.

Wednesday - The boys got school photos done today.  I planned to take a photo of the photographer in action but I forgot my camara and then left my phone in the car.  Oh well, I'll leave you with these fun shots instead.

Yes, this is the cat.  Eating at the table.  No, it is not a normal occurrence.  Nate had left the table so the cat claimed his chair; Josh put some of the cat food on the table and the cat proceeded to eat it off the table because, well, that's what cat's do HA!  (Don't worry, I wiped the table down with Lysol Wipes after he was done!) 

Thursday - Today was my "running" day - First a leadership meeting followed by grocery shopping.  The bonus?  My mom had us over for dinner so I didn't have to cook!

Friday - Today I spent getting things ready.  Ready to go to a family get together on Saturday and the beginnings of "ready" for camping.  Cooking, packing, organizing - it takes a lot of lists :-) I thought it would be a boring day . . but it wasn't! 
This is the beginning of organizing for camping.  
This was excitement #1 - A large limb fell on the neighbors car port.  It was loud!  
Excitement # 2 - This little guy was in my truck - I think he tagged along on the corn stalks.  Apparently he's not a nice guy - he's one of those that will make you get a rash (at least that is what I saw when I read up on him!) 
Excitement # 3 - Ok, not really exciting BUT I'm so happy to have cornstalks to decorate with this year.  I still want to get a mum or two and, of course, pumpkins. 

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