Saturday, July 18, 2020

Weekly Photos 2020 #27

We had a good week with some family in town.  Here's a look back at some of our adventures

Saturday - We hung out at home before going to my mom's for dinner.

Sunday - Another quiet day at home.  Darryl and I were just commenting on how we always stay home on the weekend HA!

Monday - My brother and his family came into town late Sunday night.  We then all headed to my nephews house for the day.

This is proof that my mom climbed the rock wall! 

We went to the beach.  The water felt a little chilly . . .it was about 40 degrees HA!  Two days before the water temp was about 75.  Crazy Lake Michigan.  

Tuesday - We played games at my moms before dinner.  Then we headed to my cousins FroYo place.  It was fun to catch up with family.

Wednesday - Time for more games!!

Nate stayed the night at Nana's on Tuesday.  He hung out with Aunt Lynnette and they did a work out and went for a power walk.  (For the record, on Thursday, Nate couldn't put deodorant on because he couldn't lift his arms HA!) 

And yes, my mom played Twister too! 

Thursday - This was a quite day at home. 

Friday - Darryl spent the day with his dad and we spent the day at home!  The boys and I went for a drive and grabbed dinner.  On the way home, I stopped and told them to get out of the car and run down a sidewalk.  Why?  There were sprinklers!! HA!  They had so much fun!

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