Monday, July 20, 2020

Week 5 - Looks and Links

Wow.  We are on week 5 of our summer plans.  I actually thought I'd be ready for a Vacation week after week 2 HA!  Instead I've enjoyed planning our activities and seeing what the kids can do.

So, why is this week a vacation week?  Very simply because it's a short week.  We have family in town this week so we are doing a few things with them on Monday.  My extra kids are also taking Tuesday off.

That brings us back together for Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.  I know we will be busy with our family in the evenings so I wanted to keep the day time a little more relaxed for us.

I had planned to use the week as a "project week" but that did not happen either.  We were busy, stayed up late, and I wasn't super motivated.  On Friday I finally did some cleaning and picking up around the house.

I had also hoped to have some photos of those projects that didn't get done . . .but I don't HA!  Oh well.

So, instead, I'll leave you with this cute photo.

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