Thursday, June 11, 2020

What We've Learned by Staying Home

Now that the "Stay at home order" is being lifted in our state, I thought I'd take a moment and look back at what we learned by staying home.

1) We learned that we are home bodies.  Honestly, my boys have always been homebodies and Darryl really is too but I have always love to go, go, GO!  Well, I actually found that I enjoyed not having the busy schedule we had for so long.

2) We enjoyed playing games together . . .for a time.  When the lock down first happened, the games came out.  We played old favorites and new ones too!  I taught the boys how to play Dutch Blitz and they taught me Throw, Throw Burrito.  Plus they got games for Easter that we played too.  Now, after about 3 weeks, the games stopped.  HA!  But it was fun to play alot of games for awhile.

3)  We learned that we ate out a lot more then we thought.  Eating out had become a crutch.  It was easy to just grab something quick on those busy nights.  Talk about going cold turkey!  We went from eating out at various times probably 3-4 times a week to eating 3 meals a day at home, 7 days a week!  BUT, we found that we liked that AND when we finally broke our stance on eating out, the food tasted SOOOO good AND we found that the treat was super nice.  We stuck by that - we only allow eating out 1 time a week and it is now considered a treat.

4) We learned that we liked having Apple Crisp every Friday night :-)  This happened by accident.  I had bags of apples given to me so I made applesauce and Apple Crisp.  Well, I continued to have an over abundance of apples for the school lunches we picked up so, it became a tradition to make Apple Crisp on Friday to enjoy through the weekend.  Darryl said it would know if it was Friday if there was Apple Crisp on the stove LOL

5) We found new foods we liked.  We found these Bolthouse Farms Mocha Cappuccino's by chance - we picked up food from a local food truck one week and these were in the box.  They are SOOO good!  Darryl and I have enjoyed them in the afternoon while sitting in my swing.
6) We learned our animals adore us!  Dash loves it when we are home.  He hates it when we leave so he has been in doggy heaven with us here all the time!  Harley is also a cat who loves people so he has enjoyed having us around too even though he pretends he is annoyed at times!!

7) We learned that Amazon is amazing.  I mean, we kind of knew that before but I have used Amazon to order everything from Super Glue to finish up a project to clothes!  Things I never would have ordered before because I could just run to the store.  We also learned how spoiled we were by "next day delivery" when Amazon orders started taking a week or more to ship!  HA!

8) We learned to take time to enjoy the outdoors.  Now, we didn't get all crazy and take hikes or anything like that but I have found that by taking even just 20 minutes to sit outside and read in my swing, it makes the day so much better.  Sometimes the weather doesn't allow for it - snow, rain, or super hot - but when it does, I make it a priority every day!

9) We learned that we can make things fun.  That one time a week we "treat" to eating out is very simply going through 2-3 drive-thrus so everyone can get what they want and then parking in a shady spot and eating in our vehicle.  We laugh a lot while eating that meal.  Or we take off on a drive to explore something just for fun.

Now, truth be told, we are still "staying home" for the most part for now.  Yes, we are very slowly allowing a few things like Tae Kwon Do but we just plan to wait it out and see what happens as more people are out and about.

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