Saturday, June 13, 2020

Weekly Photos 2020 #22

A quick look back at our week

Saturday - we were at home and just did some things around the house before going to my mom's for dinner.  Some friends from the other side of the state came over for a cook out.  It was an enjoyable evening with lots of laughing.

Sunday - we enjoyed a very quiet day at home.  I think peaceful is a word to describe it perfectly.  I also had my weekly Zoom with my mom and brothers and the kids had their Sunday School Zoom call as well.

Monday - We worked in the garage to get things cleaned out to donate to a fundraiser yard sale.  And Nate got to return to something "normal" - Tae Kwon Do started.  We had to really discuss this option and decided that we could let him participate because it is outside and they are always "social distanced" when they practice.
 The weather was perfect on Monday and the kids enjoyed eating lunch outside.  The love this table and chairs that my mom gave us. 

 I'm not going to lie, it was HOT to be outside for TKD but Nate did great.  
 Prior to the lock down, we ordered Nate's sparing gear and he was SOOO excited.  Well, fast forward a couple of months - he finally got it but said, "But now, I can't even use it!" Sparing means contact between two people and right now, there is no contact allowed.  Eventually he will get to use it though! 

Tuesday - it was HOT!  We took our truck load of stuff to the yard sale and dropped it off.  For the rest of the day we hung out inside! 
Tuesday evening we had "TV Dinners" in the living room while watching Family Movies (the kids idea - they like to see themselves as babies) 

Wednesday - Today was a stormy day.  Thankfully, the worst of the storms missed us and we just got tons of rain.  I think we were all kind of "off" today because of the uncertainty of the weather - even the dog was acting strange!

Thursday - It was grocery shopping day (so thrilling!)  The weather was beautiful so we opened windows and, after finishing up shopping, delivering, and putting away, I sat outside and read my book in the sunshine and breeze!!!

Friday - I should have taken some "before" photos today.  Why?  Darryl and I did some work in the yard.  Of course, we mowed.  (Every other Friday, whether it needs it or not HA!) .  We also worked in a corner of our yard that has been overlooked since having kids.  That is the area that they could "dig to China" in and I call it the "scary zone" because the ground is always soft and I'm afraid of what's living in the corners :-)  Anyway, it also became a little bit of a "stash" corner for some scrap wood. So we worked on starting to clean all of that out.  The weather is comfortably cool this weekend so we decided to attempt to get some work done outside - once it heats back up, we are done!

This seemed to be a week that just dragged - I'm not sure why.  Even as I looked back at photos from this week it feels like it Monday was forever ago!! 

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