Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Official Last Day Of School

It's hard to believe that my boys have finished 4th and 5th grades!  When we started on this homeschool journey 6 years ago (well, really 7 if you count preschool) Junior High seemed SOOO far away and yet we are now facing it head on as Josh enters 6th grade.

What did we accomplish this year:
** Both boys worked on cursive handwriting.  This was a goal I set this year.  Nate took to it like a fish to water and loves writing everything in cursive.  Josh just goes with the flow but still prefers printing and has a desire to "make his printing better".
** Both boys had some success with independent work.  This was another goal.  Nate loves to work on his own and fully desires to just do his own work.  Josh will do it when pushed but his perfectionism makes it hard to just "do it" and seeks to make sure his answers are always correct so we are still working on that!
** They both gained independence in writing - the last papers they wrote (Opinion Papers) were written mostly on their own.  This is a HUGE milestone since they both hate writing assignments.
** They both improved in learning the Multiplication Facts.  We will continue to work on those this summer.  I'm tossing around a "reward" program for the kids on memorizing these facts (even the 2nd grader!) because it is so important.

And here are their year end photos!

Do I have goals for next year?  Even though I'm kind of taking the month of June off from thinking about school, I do already have ideas.  Josh has the opportunity to take part in some clubs so I'm going to investigate that more.  He loves Art and wants to learn a language.  I think he would also benefit from some photography skills and typing.  Nate has a big interest in learning Spanish and I know there are some options for homeschoolers out there.  Plus he needs more typing skills.  We will also continue on with cursive writing skills!  One other thing I'm looking at is some true Bible curriculum.  We've just used their AWANA books but I feel like they would benefit from some true Bible study now.  So I guess most of that is MY homework this summer!

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