Monday, July 16, 2018

Weekly Menu (A few days late!)

My kids have been using my computer to play games which has limited my time to use it so therefore, I'm a little behind on some posts.  I figured I would still post our menu for the week so my mom knows when to come for dinner HA!

Friday - Brats, Crash Potatoes, and Fried Zucchini

Saturday - We attended the Sunday School Picnic.

Sunday - Daryrl had a concert so we ate out for lunch and then everyone just found their own dinner (Well, the kids actually just tell me what they want and I make it). 

Monday - Burgers, Corn on the Cob, and Chips

Tuesday - Tacos (YUM!)

Wednesday - Assuming Darryl has practice, we'll grab something for dinner.

Thursday - Spaghetti/Alfredo, fresh green beans and Garlic Bread.

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