Saturday, January 14, 2017

The Week In Review

This past week included fun and school!

The boys spent a few days with their Grandpa and Grandma at the beginning of the week.  The weather wasn't great but it warmed up enough for some sledding at one point.  Nate decided to try on the dogs winter coat - fits him pretty well :-)

 For Nate's birthday, he received a science kit which he has enjoyed very much.  A week or so ago, he made the volcano but hasn't had a chance to actually make it erupt.  There was an ice day on Thursday which gave a great excuse to get messy.  (And it tied in with science lessons that both boys were in the middle of too!)
 We spent Friday working on school work.  One of Nate's projects was to create a sculpture out of clay so we all worked together and created.  We are working on wrapping up the end of the semester.  My goal is to be done with all school work on Tuesday and then wrap up journal writing on Wednesday. Then the boys will get a break once again for a few days.
 Play time always happens in this house and on Friday afternoon these guys came out.  Power Rangers is a big thing in this house and the army guys have become the bad guys for the rangers.
 A big part of week was .  .snow and ice.  Two snow days this week (for the littles I watch) so usually I give the boys snow days too - it's easier and gives them all time to play.
The boys have some awesome Lego sets.  As they get older, the sets get more complicated so working on the floor is no longer a good option since it takes days to complete projects.  After taking the tree down, this corner opened up a great opportunity to set up a Lego station.  They each have a table with the perfect building spot.  We set up some bright lights for them and it's great to see them stop by their spot and work on Legos for a bit.

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