Thursday, August 14, 2014

Weekly Menu - The one where we will go camping!

So, last week did not go completely as planned!  Last Saturday we met my niece-in-law for brunch, which was fabulous!  Then, we came home and I worked for about 5-6 hours on cleaning out our camper, going through our camping stuff and repacking everything nice and neat.  By the time I was done, the last thing I wanted to do was cook anything so we went and grabbed some dinner.  Sunday evening as we were praying with the boys I felt the awful wave of sickness came over me and even prayed that I was not getting the flu.  Well, guess what, within an hour I was taking a Zophran to curb the nausea YUCK!  I was sick all day Monday but, thankfully it was a true 24 hour bug and by Monday late afternoon was slowly feeling human again.  Dinner ended up being whatever I could put together from the fridge.  Tuesday I still wasn't feeling great but I made stuffed shells, left over from a previous week's menu . . .and then on Wednesday I ended up with a Worship Committee Meeting at church so we all ate left overs again. HA!

This coming weekend we have a long awaited camping trip to look forward to also and we cannot wait! 

Saturday - BBQ Chicken Pizza and frozen pizza for the kids.

Sunday - Chicken Fried Steak, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, corn and Rolls

Monday - My parents will be here for dinner so .  .I haven't decided what to cook yet.  :-)

Tuesday -Steak Fingers and gravy, Lemon Orzo Salad w/asparagus and tomatoes and rolls

Wednesday - Sausage Gravy and Biscuits, Fried Eggs and Fruit Salad

Thursday - We will be going out - my guess is Smashburger - since Darryl needs to go into town to the hospital to get x-rays again before his next doctor's appointment.

Friday - CAMPING!  I'll be sharing about camping in upcoming posts :-)

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