Sunday, January 8, 2012

Bible Study - Here we go again!

I've talked in the past about Good Morning Girls; it is a great way to set up accountabilty with others for your daily devotions.  When I first signed up 1 1/2 years ago, I "met" up with 4 other women from across the country and started our own group.  We kinda took last "semester" off because several of the women had new babies but we are planning to start up soon.  The GMG site always has a book study each session (This time it is Ephesians) but I have found that the study didn't really did deep enough for me; right now I need more of a practicle study and one thing that has interested me for awhile is Proverbs 31 - but I wanted to study it in more of a modern light so this is what I'm doing to start out with during this session:

Sorry for the turned picture - I cannot get it to go the other way!

First, I picked up a book "The Virtuous Woman: Shattering the Superwoman Myth".  I had hoped that it had questions at the end of each chapter but it doesn't - instead I'll just read a 1/2 of a chapter each day. 

Then it just so happened that Courtney over at Women Living Well posted her first free E-book and it is on Proverbs 31 :-)  How cool is that?  I'm going to do this along with the other book. 

I also have a Women's Devotional Bible that I'm going to use for daily scripture reading.

Hopefully I'll learn some great truths to share :- )

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