Wednesday, August 18, 2010

This weeks song - If We've Ever Needed You by Casting Crowns (update!)

I originally posted this earlier this week BUT I learned a lesson - always listen to the song you put on your blog LOL  I had a friend say "that's a really fun song" which made me think . . .something isn't right because "If We've Ever Needed you" is a more serious song!  So, apparently the song listed as this in the player is not correct!  I've removed the obnoxious song that was on #1 and instead added a YouTube video with RIGHT song!  So if you want to listen to it, make sure and pause the player and than play the video.  I guess sometimes, you learn as you go!

This weeks song is "If We've Ever Needed You" by Casting Crowns. When thinking about a song for this week, I had about 4 in my head to chose from; so how did I chose?  Simply - this song I sang ever since I first starting thinking about it.  I sang it in the morning while getting breakfast, while in the car, while making jam - it just was always in my head.  I think it has a great message, it's a great reminder, and it's just a great song!  It is the first song on my Play list this week so unmute your computer and take a listen :-)

It's amazing what music does to different people.  I was reading another blog and she posted a song that made her cry - "Blink" by Revive.  The concept behind the lyrics is that everything happens in the blink of an eye.  When she hears that, her life plays like a little power point (remember when we used to say slide show?) in her head - meeting her husband, getting married, and now watching as her babies grow.  It touches her heart to the core.  When I hear it - it does nothing !!  Seriously, I've heard it many times and just always thought it was a peppy song and we needed to remember that life goes fast.  That's it.  So maybe you have a song that touches you - what is it and why?  Music is a great outlet and a great way for God to touch each of us - make sure your heart is always open - not just your ears! :-)

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